Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Importance of English In Indian Renaissance

Topic :Evaluate the importance of English in Indian Renaissance

Name : Rabhadiya Vinod

Roll No -37
Sem -1
Year -2013-14
Submitted To : Smt.S.B.Gardi
Department of English M.k.Bhavnagar University
·        Introduction
When we are talking about renaissance the question arise in our mind “what is Renaissance?” Renaissance means “rebirth” derived from the French word. It is used to describe this phase of European history because it brought many changes in importance of English in Indian Renaissance is quite low and slow. In India we can see that English language is used is second language further when English is teaching in the class room. First it is translated into mother tongue and then it is teaching. This is the method of teaching English in India in many places. While the worlds are coming together with English use and the English is taught in mother tongue in India. That is the different between our country comparisons with other countries.
·        The place of English in India
In now a days as we know that English language is used as international language. Many countries use this language as their mother tongue. Now the world becomes small with the use of this language. Different countries people are coming together by using English in such way, communication business thread, export-import matter and with internet. But in the comparison with other countries out country India now still used English as a second language. In India if anybody wants to learn English. First he reads English then translated into mother tongue and the he or she understand what is this or that thing says to us. So this is the place of English in India.
Many thinkers and critics said that teaching of English language, first teach into mother tongue. No place of direct method in curriculum. No place of English in as a language in the world is also remarkable to note: in USA, Australia, Canada and England is the first language English.
In the countries like India, Russia, France, etc. it is used as the second language.
English remained as one of the subjects in our school curriculum and those who wish to learn in English can do without any prejudice and distinction.
Thus as we see at present, that English is being taught all over India as an optional subject in our educational stations.
Thus, the importance of English in this way is accepted by the Indian people and Indian government. The place of English the world is quite important.
·        The importance of English in Indian Renaissance
Since the date of India’s independence, there have been running many claims and counter-claims regarding the use and importance of English in India. Some speak in favour while some others oppose the idea of teaching and learning of English in school curriculum in nowadays.
·        English as an international link language
English is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is the mother tongue of nearby 820 million people and 200 million people of the world use it as their second language. It is important language of the entire world because it is useful in establishing international relations with different countries of the world.
It is an international language for communication purpose and to exchange of views with different people of the world.
·        As a language of international correspondence
In these days, no country is complete. It has to take help or any kind of service with other countries in so many fields such as economical political, social, educational, industrial, and cultural and others for all this contact is not done locally. The international contact is nearly it is done mostly in English.
·        As a medium of information
This is the era of IT (Information Technology). In this, respect, English is the medium of instruction in English. English language has been used here internationally. Even the broadcasting services in many countries are done through English language.
It is also useful in developing trade, commerce, economical and diplomatic relations with other countries of the world.
It is useful in gaining information about different customs, traditions, culture, literary forms of the world language through this language.
·         As an official language declared by UNO
English is spoken as the first and second language in most spoken countries in the world. In any world conference concerned with UNO, the language English is quite important.
In many ways English is becoming the important language for us but in Indian Renaissance. It is becoming quite unusual way when we think that it is not important. So our people give importance to mother tongue instead of using language like English. This is the reality of our country and our system which we can’t change it. In vocational services, English is very useful.
·        Objectives of teaching English as a second language in India in many states
In India one or two ways English is used as second language is school curriculum. In our country in many states English is using as second language. First they taught in English and then translated into mother tongue. In such way, our customs and day to day use of mother tongue play major part to face to understand English. It happens that we people are using mother tongue in society, talk and many places. So these are also go down the level of English in India. For example, “A boy goes to English Medium School. Whole day he speaks in English language in the school but when he comes to his house, his family members start speaking in mother tongue. So this way English became difficult to understand and learning also.
Teaching and learning is a process of bring changes in behavior of students. To make this process more effective and interesting the teacher should keep in mind some objectives of teaching.
According to Dr. B.S.Bloom,
“Educational objectives are the desired goal or outcome at which instruction is aimed”
When people make a great fuss over the merits and demerits of a language they overlook important point that a language is not merely a means of communicating thoughts but also a way off getting civilized.
Since, when India got independence, there are many matters and things spread away in whole country to the importance of English. Some people favor while many people argued this language saying “This is not our language, it is foreign language then why we are going to more and more deeply to learn English language”
Many people say in this way “Englisher has gone away but left away English.” This is the ideas and thoughts of some peoples who argued this but in one or other way. Today or tomorrow we must learn English forcefully because now a day in Indian the use of English is going and going away.
In this way, different gadgets, use of technology, use of science and use of internet, because of these the use of English is growing and growing. In India, speaking in English is now fashion.  In Indian movies, entertainment programs also we can see the vast and more use of English.
The British rules introduced English in Indian schools with a hope to linguistic barrier would disappear.
So some Indian nationalists claim that English should be removed from this country when the British rules in India have come to the end. For them, English language carries a disgraceful memory should replace English for all purposes.
Why English translation in Gujarat is important if anybody wants to learn English they first learn English but problems are coming and one can feel problems in learning English but they easily can understand when the English is teaching in their mother tongue. Now English is compulsory in all schools in India and its importance along with its usage is language of media. It is an international language used almost every part of the world. In 1985, the English language was only private schools but now Indian government thinks that English is very useful and important in modern age. So government is trying to teach English in government school also. More institutes are being developed and organized. It has become the language of media, trade, science. Now English language is compulsory in mostly all schools and colleges. The latest and the most advanced discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities located in the united states of America where English language is the means of scientific discourse.
Over the years, English language has been come one of our principal assets in getting a global leadership for books written by Indian authors and for films made by Indians in English language. A famous Indian movie make Shekhar Kapoor’s film “Elizabeth” does not require any further arguments.
·        The importance of English language in the national life of India today
After independence what is the change came in India we can see here in the matter of English language. From 26 January, 1965 Hindi has been declared the official language of India. But along with it, in terms of the official language bill passed in April 1963, English may also continued to be used for all the official purposes of the union. India’s parliament has thus already provided an answer to the question we can see here. The answer is that we cannot do anything without English. The answer is given in such a way because if our country stands in the higher lines with other countries then it is necessary to learn and use of English in day to day life or accepted as official language.
The circumstances in which English was introduced in India are recorded in history. Although it was primarily imported to facilitate the work of our British ruler. It served India too in many ways. If we think that English is not useful to us then it is wrong to think like. The Britishers came to India ruled over for 150 years. They took many things from our country which we can say golden gift and it was that English language. Without this language we cannot taste the national unity but it also inspired us and guided us in one or others ways.
It is fact that English is spoken and understood all over the globe. It is the national language of Great Britain. The United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia. It is used in former British colonies all over Asia and Africa. It is like window for us through us can see the whole world. We can connect with people, sharing ideas, views, and opinions on subjects and topics also. If one time thinks that without English we can do anything better? Then the answer is ‘no’. We cannot do anything without it. If we decide to do without it, our contacts with all these countries will be stopped by the limitations imposed on us by the language in which we chose to deal with them. We shall thus be planning restrictions on over selves without gaining any corresponding advantage. Even without English we can hardly do something. In the comparison Hindi language with English language we can see vast difference in both these. Hindi does not become an effective instrument for administrating a big multilingual country like ours. So long as it does not become a universally accepted medium or interstate  communication if we decide to do without English the loss will be entirely ours.
English language has been playing an important role in our educational system as well as in our national life since two centuries.
English has been considered as an international language. There are some important reasons for this so it is said:
“No language ancient or modern, can be compared with English as far as international level is considered.”
English language is absolutely essential for the growth of knowledge. In India, particularly for the development and advertisement in the field of science and technology, the government and leaders to give proper place to English language in our school curriculum.
The importance of English as a library language is clearly described by the Radhakrishnan Commission in the following words”
“English however, must continue to be studied. It is a language which is rich in literature, humanistic, scientific and technical. If under sentimental urges we give up English, we would cut ourselves from the living stream of everything knowledge.”
Reference books are available only in English. Especially higher studies and research works, for P.G. level. They are available in library in English language only.
In the comparison before independence time the modern time is lively time to use this language. In nowadays English language has taken a huge, vital and big place in India and Indian people also. It is craze to speaking in English. In India now many English medium schools are established. Now a small kid also can speak in English which his father and family members cannot do.

English is useful in so many ways to connected with each others. If it is the matters of business, communication, science and technology also. English is major. I think without English one is like illiterate person. In India also many states in which English is used as a first language where there is no any place of Hindi. One objection is that one must be learned English but one can also speaking and writing means learn his mother tongue because it is the first then others. So now we can say that use of English is growing and growing so it is good sign that we are also like other country because we are also in the race of to do better in the world.

Paradise Lost

Topic: Paradise Lost
Name: Rabhadiya Vinod
Roll No -37
Sem -1
Submitted To :Smt.S.B.Gardi
Department Of English

“Paradise Lost

v  Life and works of John Milton
John Milton was born on December 9, 1608 in London. His father’s family disowned his father. When he converted from Catholicism Protestantism. After completing his study in Italy, Florencesiena and Rome. He returned to his home in 1639 .His one of the master piece ‘Paradise Lost’ was published in 1667.He also got admiring comments of respected poets John Dryden and Andrew Marvell. He died at home on November 8 ,1674.

v  Themes In Paradise Lost

Milton religious aspects reflect the time in which he lived and the church to which he belonged. He was not really orthodox but he was devout in his ideas and views. His major purpose or theme in ‘Paradise Lost’ is easy to see by saying that “of man’s first disobedience .He justify the ways of God to men. There are three parts (1) Disobedience (2) Eternal providence (3) Justification of god to men.

                                                        Milton’s idea of justification is not as arrogant. Milton used the word justification showing that action of the God when someone presumptuous themselves and dealing with any deity .Milton wants to show the fall death and salvation are all acts of a just God.

v  Obedience made by the god
Milton arranged the whole as with heaven at the top, hell at the bottom and the earth in between is a hierarchical place. We can see in Milton’s paradise lost that god seats on the throne at the top of heaven and angel are arranged in groups according to their proximity to god but in Hell Satan seats on a throne than other demons.
                    The proper way of the world was than other inferiors must to obey superiors because if a king was king not because he was chosen but because he was superiors to his subjects.
In “Paradise Lost” God places one prohibition on Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit form the knowledge of the tree. The matter is not eating a fruit but it was the major disobedience of both these. They disobedience the God’s actions and rules. The universe had to require not to disobedience of both their superiors and God’s rule. Adam and Eve bring calamity to their lives and all of mankind’s lives.
                                         Eve argues with Adam about whether they should work together or not and Adam gives in to her. The problems lies here with both humans. Adam should not give authority to his inferior Eve.
                                         Eve eats the fruit and also gives to Adam to eat from Milton’s point of view it is wrong because to disobedience of God and that’s why they both brought sin and death into the world.
v  Justification of ways of God to Man
Death must come into the world but the son steps forward to defeat death. Through the sun God is trying to give justice with mercy, grace and salvation Eva and Adam’s matter of love and disobeyed God mercy and grace and salvation this the sign of their fall and this produces a new higher love from God to man.
v  Milton’s grand style of writing
Milton’s style was generally criticized by T.S Eliot in modern times saying that “ A note on the verse of John Milton (march 12-18). Eliot added “Milton’s poetry could only be an general criticism of T.S. Eliot is that Milton’s style is so difficult to accomplish and so complicated to understand.
                           C.S. Lewis in his work a preface to Paradise Lost and Christopher Ricks in Milton’s grand style both. Lewis in particular argued that Milton needed this particular style for a “secondary Epic ” his term for an epic meant to be read rather than the primary epic. Both Lewis and Ricks gives numerous examples to show Milton’ grand style certainly aside from Shakespeare no other writer in English could manipulate the language as Milton did.
                         “A summer’s day and with the setting sun
                          Dropt from the Zenith like a falling star (1742-74)
v  Various characters in Milton
v  God : The omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent creator of the world. He seats at the highest point of heaven, throne. God creates man (Adam) and him free will he also provides his son and suffers death that shows that goodness will completely defeat evil.
v  son: The Godhead is made up of God the father God the son and god the holy spirit. Milton presents son as a creation but he also sacrifice to Death as a way to save Man after the fall. The son also defeats the rebellious angels and caste them in to Hell.
v  Adam The first human crated by God from the dust of earth. Adam eats fruit of knowledge and will go to hell because of not follow God’s commands. He loves Eve.
v  Eve : Eve is the first woman created by god from Adam’s rib as a companion for him. First Eve eats the fruit of knowledge and get claim because overcoming Satan’s over her.
v  Satan : Before his rebellion, he was known as Lucifer and was second only to God. He succeeds in bringing Adam and Eve fall into punishment. He became a serpent.
v  Sin: The daughter of Satan
v  Death: Death is Satan’s son and grand son. God says that both of them will be sealed in Hell after judgment day.
v  Beelzebub: The devil second in rank to Satan. His name the term of  “lord of the flies in the Bible.
v  Belial: In the Bible , Belial is synonym for devil or an adjective meaning wickedness or destruction.
v  Mammon: In the Bible he presented as a king but in Paradise Lost, he is called the “ Least erected “
v  Moloch: He argues at the council for total war against God.
v  Mulciber:  Fallen angel who is the chief architect for pandemonium.
v  Michael:  He is loyal to God. He helps Adam by the story of biblical history of the world through the birth of Jesus.
v  Raphel: Raphel was angel of man. He sent to earth to warn Adam and Eve not to Disobedience of God.
v  Garbriel: In the Paradise Lost he is the angel who guards the gate of Eden.
v  Abdiel: Host of Satan who plans to rebel and returns to God.
v  Zephron:  An assist Garbriel in guarding eden.
v  Ithuriel: He caputure satan whispering in Eve’s ear.
v  Urania :   Milton transforms her into Christian inspiration or the holy spirit.
v  Uriel: One of the seven archangels. He is tricked by Satan disguised as a cherub.
v  Arguments by Milton
                                                    Milton Paradise Lost is argued by many readers. His several books begin with a prologue and his book no 1 Milton purpose is to tell about the fall of man and justify God’s ways to man”
                                                   We can see in Milton’s grand style poem that god has created the whole world. As we see  that God has created human beings (angels) and the other side Evils also. He created this type of way to teach the ways of God to man. God created two characters of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden other creating by God is Satan. He compasses the earth with meditated guile returns as a mist by night into Paradise Lost enters into Serpent.
                                            Now creation by God of Adam and Eve. They don’t know about what is wrong and what is right in the garden of Eden. At that time Satan enters and he just finds Eve alone so he gazing and then speaking with her. He tells about the secret of the tree of the knowledge. First Eve denies but then Satan trapped her into his planning and that’s  way Eve eats the fruit of knowledge and also gives it to Adam to eat. Adam also eats this fruit. Having eaten this fruit the two are overcoming with romantic atmosphere with lust and run away in to the wood to make love . They both are necked and clothe less .When they realized they first started fighting and then they felling shame and guilt.
            They blame each other. Now they know that they make sin and they are sinner so they shoud be ready for their punishment which will be given by the God to them.
    Sin and death meanwhile have sensed an opportunity on earth. They construct a huge causeway from Hell to Earth. On their way, they meet Satan returning to Hell. They proceed to earth while Satan enters Hell in disguise Satan appears on his throne.
            Many questions arise in our mind that god knew everything that what will happen. In spite of all the knowledge about everything how can God could be created the Evils. Milton had faced many difficulties and tensions of creating such things. Milton approaches the problem of God’s comments on scenes and actions, he explain what will happen and why, he gives the philosophical/theological basis for ideas like free will, but he does not truly participate in the action.
                       Eve and Adam have punished to go earth and work like human beings. They are made of dust and one day they will mix their selves into the dust after death. So God’s punishment is that they will arise by dust and will died into dust.
                       Adam and Eve they love each other but one mistake by they take them a different world where they were never Eve doesn’t know about planning and formation of Satan towards her Satan got success in his plan by eating fruit of knowledge of the tree. This way they became sinner and fall into the earth but the other side Eve tells that it was her fault only there is no any guilt or sin is done by Adam if God wants to gave punishment then he must give only her. This shows the great love of Eve to Adam.
Milton created the whole epic “ The Paradise Lost” with arguments sin, punishment, love, etc. Milton beautifully created the universal of god of Bible Genesis. 1st chapter of Bible. Here also Milton uses the word of “ Fall” from human beings.
Milton shows examples after example of people who ignore the responsibilities they have try to either raise themselves above God or disobey God’s commands. The result is always the same –destruction. Here Milton try to show that how when God became anger and take forwarding steps against those who have broken their rules and regulations. Milton shows the punishment of God to Eve and Adam and shows the justification of ways of God to Man.
This idea of Milton that- the sacrifice of the son which overcomes Death gives man the chance to achieve salvation even though , through the sin of Adam and Eve all men are sinful. As Adam says
                  “ o goodness infinite goodness immense/that all this good of evil shall produce/ And evil turn             to good “
Thought about this Adam loved Eve much. Adam tells Raphel that Eve’s beauty affects him so much “that what she wills to do or say / seems wisest ,virtuosest , discreetest best/ All higher knowledge in her presence falls / Degraded” . This shows that in what a way Adam loves Eve but the situations are now different.
v  Compare and contrast the character of Adam and Eve created by John Milton
By the creation of God Adam and Eve live together in the garden of Eden. They don’t know about the tree of knowledge.
      Adam is a strong, intelligent and rational character. In fact, before the fall , he is as perfect as a human being can be. He understand his ideas and views , he also know that what is good or not . But he loves eve a lot. After fall his conversation with Michael during his visions is significantly one sided. He also ate the fruit of knowledge given by Eve.
     Eve is a sinner character she is a created by Adam’s rib. She is beautiful , wise, and able. She is superior to Adam only in her beauty but the Satan as the serpent will use her innocentness and fall her into guilt.
   Milton is quick to note, however.
   “ yet went she not as not with such discourse delighted , or not capable of her ear of what was high ,such pleasure she reserved.”
The fall of man ,then ,turns evil into good and that fact shows the justice the ways of God’s actions or in Milton’s terms “ justifies the ways of God to Men.”
   Many questions are arising in our mind that if the God know everything about what will happen then why he created good human beings against Evil. Somewhere we think that God also responsible for this thing happened by Adam and Eve. It the God also become sinner in one or other way. His making of stepparent , sending him to Eden garden whispering talk with Eve trapping into plan created by satan these whole things the God knows verywell then how he creates evil if they make mistake then Eve and Adam are the common and innocent human beings.

v  Milton’s reality and seeds of imperfect world by God
                             The purpose of any of the religious book to teach ways of God to Men. What is man and God repetition and why do people suffer, why there is pain in life of human beings. If god has created the world why he created evil also it was also a god mistake. If God has created the world why he created imperfect world Evil.  God has tp play minimum role to play in his life . In reality there is nothing but their creations of their own.
                    Here we can see that how Milton creates entire things and what was his ideas towards his epic. How does God deals with human beings where been he can care human beings or not. God is perfect he knows everything he makes the perfect world then why he creates the evil? There is something which is not controlled by God also. The question is that why evil was not controlled by God? Why we can see imperfect world? These all show that at that time Evil are not controlled by God also “ God is good ,God is judge god never makes any error”
     God is not perfect at that time also otherwise the Evils can’t enters into perfect world. God makes mistake by making evils. So we are the Adam and Eve sinner? They don’t know about the fruit and ate by planning of serperent to trap  both of them. Eve ate fruit because of Satan overcoming talks and Adam ate this fruit because of he loves Eve. So this that they are sinners then why should God not ? Who make evils ?


Development of the novel - 18th century


NAME:         Rabhadiya Vinod J

Year:             2013-14
Sem :              1

Paper No 2:  The Neo- Classical Literature

Topic :            Development of the novel - 18th century



Submit To:
                                                          Department of English
                                                          M.K.Bhavnagar University 

                       This period is called the classical age or the neo-classical age. It is also known as the age of 18th century. Earlier, in the Elizabethan days, drama was the leading form of literature. In the puritan age, poetry on the highest position and drama declined as well. While in the restoration age heroic couplet was the voice and the choice of the people, which was mastered by John Dryden. Drama was also existed in this age, but it failed to get top position. Coming to the present topic, in the 18th century, pop was dominant figure of that age. But some other persons were also there such as Jonathan Swift, Steel Henry fielding and Smelled etc. they also tried to write novel and made attempts to popularize the novel as the dominant from of literature.
                                                                 Let’s analyze the growth of novel in detail.

The emergence of the novel form:
                                                         Novel took birth in this era and got in maturity with passing of time. Samuel Richardson was the first person, who tried to write the first novel in this period like ‘Pamela’. It was published in 1740. A key concern in terms of the development of the eighteen century novel is the recurring preoccupation with realism and realistic depiction of society. We can see this in Defoe’s and Faulding’s preoccupations with the word “History” and the need to defend themselves against occupations of lying. And in their attempts to make their works as realistic as possible, whether by using first person narration as in Moll Flanders and Robinson Crusoe or by relying on Aristotle notions of “mimesis”. An alternative tactic was to use epistolary form, most notably in the works of Richardson, (and burlesqued by fielding in Shamble) or to use consciously anti-romance forms as a means of asserting the realism of their writing.

Shape and Forms:
                              It was necessary or need to shape experience into narrative order against working this means conflict between demands of narrative order and realistic portrayed. That time Defoe’s also wanted to produce a loose baggy monster of a novel with the thinking of narrative order. Then earlier we have the novelist like Henry Fielding. He is already self-conscious mind who used in his chapters and books. (See book-П Ch 1 of Joseph Andrews). This conflict between realistic intension and aesthetic narrative order is most clearly evident I sterna’s anti novel Tristan Sandy. In which we can see the conventions of the novel are exploded before the novel has had a chance to become a settled form. Eighteenth century novel turn between the demand not to offend, to teach and yet also to be realistic. The moral demands on writers exploded at the end of the nineteenth century (Hardly, James, George, Moore) but present here in the degree to which novelist deal with sex, adultery, passion and desire. Novel a morally uptight (hang up) form from the start same constraints apply to political issues.

Characterization, Social and Individual’s Identity and History:      
                                                                                                     The underlying emphasis within many eighteenth century novels is their emphasis or the individual and the extent to which they portray the inner life of the individual as distinct from his or her social class, rank, and status. This remained a continued tension within the novel thought the nineteenth century individual / society are seen to be antagonistic rather than self-supporting related to this the form and specification of individuation. Is the individual shown to be the product of social being or anterior to it?

Important of Novel in English Literature:  
                                                                  The novel is one of the important parts of English literature. Many novelist written novels in English and they had spend their lives into these work. They gave a significant moment of their lives into England, Scotland or Wales or Northern Ireland (or Ireland before 1922). However, given the nature of the subject, this guideline has been applied with common sense and reference is made to novels in other languages or novelists who are not primarily British appropriate.

Pour Wheels of Novels:   
1.     Henry Fielding           (1707-1754)
2.     Samuel Richardson    (1689-1761)
3.     Smelled                      (1721-1771)
4.     Lawrence Stern          (1713-1768)  
1. Henry Fielding:
                           He was born in 1707 at Somersetshire who was a younger son of an ancient family. He was educated at Eton and studied law at leaden. In 1748 he was appointed as a bow street magistrate a post which brought him a small income and much hard work. He himself was not puritan and his own excesses helped to undermine his constitution. In the hope that it would improve his health, he took a voyage to Portugal (1754), but he died some months after landing and was buried at Lisbon.

His novels are:

“Jonathan wild the great” (1743)
“A journey from this world to the next” (1743)
“Tom Jones” (1749)
“Amelia” (1751)
“The adventure of Joseph Andrews” (1742)
“Voyage to Lisbon

                               The adventure of Joseph Andrews (1742) was the first novel by Henry Fielding. In this story Joseph Andrews, the hero is footman and the brother of lamella.
                                                        His great novel “Tom Jones” (1749) completes and perfects his achievements. In the book we have all his previous virtues, with the addition of greater summery of plot. The last work he produced his “Voyage to Lisbon”. This was a diary written during his last journey. His last novel, Amelia (1751) had as the original of the heroine Fielding’s first wife, and the character of the erring husband booth is based upon that of fielding himself.
                                             Like Richardson, Fielding had a genius for sounding the emotions of the human heart. But his methods are different. Unlike Richardson he has no heroes and few out and out villains. His characters are men, with all men’s weakness, and range of his portrait gallery has not often been exceeded. His work is totally different from Richardson’s bloodlessness.
                                              He is trying to show us life on the highway in the cottage, and among the streets of London. He frequently adopts an elaborate mock heroic style not quite in accordance with later taste. Fielding comic characters such as partridge, the humble companion of Tom Jones are numerous, diversified and exceedingly likable and lively.
                                                     He was a father of novel and he became the real founder of the modern novel.

2. Samuel Richardson: (1689-1761)
                                     Samuel Richardson was born in Derbyshire, the son of a joiner. By whom he was apprenticed to a London printer. The boy received very little education, but he had a natural talent for writing letters and even as awe find him frequently employed by working girls to write their love letters for them. Moreover, he was a keen observer of manners.

1.”Pamela or virtue rewarded” (1740)
2.”Clarissa or the adventures of a young lady” (1747-48)
3.”Clarissa Harlow” (1747-48)
4.”Sir Charles Grandison” (1753-54)

Richardson’s first attempts at writing fiction began at the age of thirteen when he was the confidant of three illiterate young women, for whom he wrote lone letters. This practice after ward stood him in good stead. At the age of fifty years his novel printed out of his own, called Pamela, or virtue rewarded (1740). His work was instantly successful. The characters especially the chief female characters, slowly but accurately make up during the gradual evolution of the simple plot, were new to the readers of the time and mark a great step forward in the history of the English novel.
          Another novel of Richardson is” Clarissa Harlow” show his characterization at the best, not only Clarissa but many of the minor characters are well drawn.
           Richardson’s greatest ability lies in characterization. His style lacks distinction. Their most striking feature is Richardson’s moral purpose. A professed teacher he is the embodiment of the religious earnestness of the rising puritan middle class.            
           The plots have little complexity and are slow in the development and novels tend tube shapeless. Though his last work, Sir Charles Grandison shows sign of more complexity and skill in this direction. His greatest ability lies in characterization. We can see Richardson’s part of history of the novel in which he introduction of characters of the lower-middle classes, whom he portrays with great accuracy.

3. Tobias Smollet:
                              Captain Tobias Smelled was born in 1721who was a Scotsman being in Dunbartonshire. Though he came of a good family, from an early age he had to work for living.
1.”The Adventure of Roderick Random” (1748)
2.” The Adventure of Peregrine Pickle” (1781)
3.” The Adventure of Ferdinand” (1753)
4.” The Adventure of Sir Launched Greaves” (1762)
5.” The Expedition of Humphrey Clinker” (1771)

“Roderick Random” is an example of the “Picaresque” novel. The hero is a roguery. He travels many lands, both good and bad.
                                                                                     Tobias Smellet however brings variety into his novels by endless shifting of the scenes, which cover many portion of the globe, by his wide knowledge and initial perception of local manners and customs and his use of a plain and vigorous narrative style. 

Important of Novel and History:
                                                       Before the 18th century the place of novel is not a real one. At that time a fictitious prose and tale presenting a picture of real life. But we get the idea of the novel comes. After that a century later that real life became the dominant topic of the novel. There was beginning to buy and reading books especially women. The influence of book such as “Don Quixote” which was one of the books that provides a model for 18th century writers.
                                                   The father of the English novel is generally considered tube “Daniel Defoe”. His three great novels are “Robinson Crusoe” “Moll Flanders”. And “Roxana” ware all published before 1730. Along with Defoe others pioneers Fielding (Tom Jones). We must added two Irish rebels, Jonathan Swift and Lawrence Stern, both these men to be regarded as novelistic masterpiece, Such as “Gulliver Travels” and “Tristan Shandy”.
                                                We can see that the early years of the development of novel the period of novel and novelists were like experimentation. They just experiment of the other past prose and forms. There were at that time no dominant form, they doing story telling of past. The writers were different from each other in spite of this their forms and works and prose’s were also different from others. So that time there was no any kind of formula or any style there this can be considered as novel form and provided models for novelists who followed.
                                                      There are some novels which were written during romantic Era. Romantic novel has several possible meanings. It’s generally written during Rom antic times and with the beginning of the Victorian era in 1837. There are romantic novels likes “Walter Scott” “Nathaniel Hawthorne”  “George Meredith”. The romantic period is especially associated with the poets ‘William Black’, ‘William Wordsworth’, ‘Samuels Taylor’ and many others.
                                           Many questions arise in our mind which we are reading and talking about the history and the theme of novel,  because at that time there was no any style any formation just only tales of past. Such questions are like: why are novels in prose? Why are they so often stories of adventures? And why is there a European but not a Chinese rise of the novel in the course of the eighteen century. So some we may imagine or thinking that the novel have different shape because to make the library field longer, larger and deeper, historically longer, geographically larger and morphologically deeper than those few classics of nineteenth century western European. In terms of the subsequent development of the novel, i.e. the realist 19th century novel the period of the eighteenth century is a mixture of consolidation and experimentation.
                            It was in the Victorian era (1837-1901) that the novel became the leading library genre in English. Another important fact is that the number of women novelists who were successful in the 19th century even though they often had to use a masculine pseudonym. At that time at the heart and centre of the readers were only women novelists.

              The 1830 and 1840 we can see the rise of social novel which also known as social problems novel. Many ways were a reaction to rapid industrialization and the social political and economic issues associated with it. There was also a point or a matter of commenting on abuses of government and industry and the suffering of the poor who were not profiting from England economic ways and facing many problems. The stories of middle working class, poor class how gives it sympathy was beautifully natured by “Charles Dickens Oliver Twist” (1837-38).

Preface by Wordsworth

According to Worsdworth the definition of a poet and a poetry

 Wordsworth said that his selection of language is more intimately connected to the “primary laws of nature”. For him poet is only a common man who worked to give simple language to men. His reasons for these only that they convey their feeling and notions in simple ways. That shows that Worsdworth believed in simplicity and also seeks to show human nature in a pure state. In this way he gave important to poetry that included a range of persons and situations never written about before “The humble and rustic life taken seriously “

Wordsworth is trying to get answer the question that “what is a poet? “and in the same he brings out a conception of the poet as a “ man speaking to men “ For him that the poet’s main qualifications are not only the matter of technique but he is a person a human being whose feelings allow to others to give sympathy to their hearts and they translate passions into words that please. “ The poet thinks and feels in spirit of the passions of men. It importance at that time that poets must use the language of other men. As Sidney’s imitative poet the romantic poet does not copy nature as create in the same way as nature. Another thing of Wordsworth was that to make truth plausible to the readers.

  He defines poetry as the “Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and further elaborates that poetry takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. Through this Wordsworth trying to bring out the poetic creation in the intense matter and emotional activity. According to Worsdworth pleasure is the center idea in which we can found result so in this way his emphasizes that this poetic creation needs calmness and tranquility. Wordsworth thinks that the readers of such poetry will share the poet’s pleasure. He added that “poetry is not an imitation of imitation, but a concrete and sensuous illustration of both a fact and relationship ,which  provides pleasure and at the same time shows the universal importance of pleasure “.Wordsworth believed that poetry should reveal general truth like science. Here he compares truth with science. H e believed that there will be no different between ‘truth of man of science and ‘truth of poet’. It seems that they used different methods.

 Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads :

  The Lyrical Ballads were first published in 1798. It is the greater contribution of poems by Romantic poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The collection was one of the most important contributions to the world of literature .Its contained with individual poems as we can see such works of Coleridge “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abby” perhaps because of the quality and popularity Lyrical Ballads lies in its preface added by Wordsworth to the second edition published in 1800.

 Publication of Lyrical Ballads :

  Lyrical Ballads was originally published in 1798 with ‘Advertisement’ designed to preface the reader for the unorthodox style of poetry. The ‘Advertisement’ consisted of several paragraphs which connected with the ‘gaudiness and inane phraseology of many modern writers ask to instead that readers. The preface is Wordswoth’s poetic manifesto Worsdworth try to do the poems are good on themselves means they have been writing in good techniques and qualities but he focused that the poem’s real meaning is going deeply into the mind of peoples when the poems are consisted with common everyday scenes of rural life and folk.

  The principle object of Wordsworth to his poems to chose and brings out the situations and accidents from common life and describe them throughout as far as was possible; in a selection of language really used by men. Another principle of his poems throw over them a coloring of imagination where a common man can see originally thins which are presented in the mind of unusual way.

  In today thought of a reader must be kept in his mind that it nothing unusual in the style of Wordsworth ‘Lyrical Ballads’. The simplicity and the depiction are the major things for ‘common people’. At that time the readers were used to a complex and artificial code of poetic style. Early some of the critics were harsh in their evolution of the Lyrical Ballads related the words like “shocking and unpoetics.

 We know that Wordsworth loves nature. He loves the rural life. He enjoyed the beauty of nature. So he said and added the children, women and men from rural setting. Here he opposes the more cosmopolitan characters of his contemporaries. These all leads as important fact of his poetry which he explains in his preface. Worsdworth held a remarkable close to the nature is the well-spring of human nature. Many of the Wordsworth poems are appreciate of the nature environment, shows deep love about nature the poet tried to appreciate and expressed his thought and ideas through nature and common language of men. Wordsworth believed that there was a element of the Divine to be found in nature , its shows tremendous potential to mould and even to instruct minds of men who live in its midst and shows emotional response unattainable outside of nature . Wordsworth frequently bring out in his preface to convey that “poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.

 It is this emphasis on the emotion behind his poetry that separates Wordsworth writings from those of his contemporaries. He sees as being the primary objective of the poet. Indeed, a large portion of his preface forms a direct response to the question “what is a poet” ?

 What is a poet? He is a men speaking to men- a man ( it is true) endued more lively sensibility. It shows more enthusiasm and tenderness that has a greater knowledge of human nature, and a more comprehensive soul.
 The importance of his poems for common men :

  Wordsworth had no any ideas of the probable effect of those poems. He flattered himself that who read these feel pleasure than feeling of common pleasure. He was well aware by those who should dislike them they would be read with more than common dislike . Worsdworth says that the result is different from his expectation in this only. He was included to request the assistance of a friend .Who furnished me with the poems of the ‘Ancient Mariner ‘the Foster –Mother Tale ‘the ‘Nightingale’ and the poem untitled ‘love’. In this poetry he wanted to represent “incidents and situations from common life “. Wordsworth said that he wanted to use selection of language which generally used by common men. He has done this in the matter of poetry and it was interesting to him because, obviously he was to relate to common people through his poetry. He think that he liked the professors who has a doctorate and teaching in the class but it may be happen that his skill of teaching will help to students understand the things. Rare but amazing when it happens.

 His style of writing  in easy way :

  The way Wordsworth writing is very easy for common people who want to read . He writes about the things which are related with common men lives for example “ We are seven “ in this he talks about a little girl. The in “Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”. He describes in a beautiful way for the people that there is something which connected with you and around us : as nature .

 Preface to Lyrical Ballads Analysis:

  William Wordsworth was an English romantic poet who helped to launch to poetry I romantic era. He tried to give an understanding of his style of poetry. He himself strays away from the complex verbose written by David Thoreau in Walden “simplicity” “simplicity” “Simplicity”. Wordsworth claims that his poetries are simple to understand. He says his poetry it shouldn't contain over arching themes and incomprehensible ideas that can be ascertained by to full analysis of the poem itself. He ascribes to a completely different principle, the idea of words holding a direct meaning, linking to the natural elements that support maturity and growth and maintaining accentual and comprehensible thought.

  In the beginning of the preface to Lyrical ballads he addresses his predecessors and talks about poetry before his time. They have been accustomed to the gaudiness and inane phraseology of modern writers, if they persist in reading this book to its conclusion feelings of strangeness and awkwardness.

  He claims that his predecessors will have issues with his poetry based on simplicity and the language that is very well maintained by him through the poems. In the simplicity of other poets his ideas are simple, quite and understand lead us to straight to the point and there are no completely abstract innate or thought provoking ideas that can surmise from his poetry. He proved that his ideas are related with natural and rustic themes. He ha chosen humble and rustic life because in the condition the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain maturity. In the condition of life our elementary feelings coexist in a state of greater simplicity.

Wordsworth gives that how should be the simple method help to common people in a way that one should use nature to reveal his or her thought and ideas. Not only nature relevant in everyone’s life but it also fosters a sense of maturity when relatable ho human emotions and poetry.

 All in all, Wordsworth makes two remarkable points that poetry should be simple and direct as well it should be associated with the love and beauty of nature around us. He also refers to the gaudiness of his predecessor’s poetry in terms of vocabulary and literary themes and techniques .We all know very well about Wordsworth he rebels against those who (predecessors) presenting the poetry in a different format. It believed  that he maintains in his “preface to Lyrical Ballads “ is very simple as we know that simple and simplicity words are connected with Worsdworth own. Simply put Worsdworth “ For all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings “ and this is true to poem to which any value can be attached when it never produced on the any variety of subjects but by a men who , being possessed of more than usual organic sensibility had also thought long and deeply.

  Wordsworth I think at that time he was doing nothing but claiming and claiming and so that he claims that ‘poetry is what ‘  poetry is something which comes out naturally by feelings that have been deeply fostered and thought out. He belies that poetry can be has multiple topics, not to fully forced to wire in on one or two subject but it has multiple choice of topics. Poetry necessarily linked to the natural aspects’ that Worsdworth highly prescribes.

v Wordsworth’s  criticizes towards his predecessors

  On the other hand Wordsworth criticizes some of his contemporizes and his predecessors style. He claims that the readers should be found personifications in the poetry made by writers’ in a different ways. In this volume we can see this.
  Wordsworth moral purpose was imitate and as far as possible to adopt the very language of men. Such personifications do not make any regular part of that language.
v  In turn Wordsworth claims that intangible ideas and loquacious concepts will not be in his Ballads. In fact he emphasizes that his writing will appeal to the common men and the things which are written must be understood by common men. In the matter of diction he is claiming that sentiments about diction never use any type of diction because he wants to keep his writing and his poetry as clear and the simple language chosen which is the possible way understood the language with common purpose “From their rain in society and sameness and narrow circle of their intercourse in the influence of society. They convey their feelings and notions in simple and unelaborated expressions.

 Wordsworth believed that poets are classless beings uninfluenced by society’s qualms and the other side some of the contemporaries and predecessors who used verbose and complex themes to express their thought. Worsdworth is simplistic maintains a central point and naturalistic in every aspect.

Wordsworth as a philosopher

v  Wordswoth’s philosophy of life, his theory of poetry , and his political views were all intricately connected. One chance may bring many changes in others.
Suddenly Worsdworth come in contact with Godwin and his determination to abandon his early naive reliance on intuition and subject all his beliefs to close scrutiny.
Coleridge remarked that half the preface was in affect the child of his own brain. He believed that Wordswoth’s conception of poetry relied too much on Hartley’s theories and did not explain Wordswoth’s poems. Coleridge says in the Biographia Leteraria (1814) that he was convinced Wordsworth work was not produced of simple fancy. Even more he found the different between poetry and prose. He agreed with Wordswoth’s idea of simple and lovely poetic diction but felt his collation had not given thought to the selecting from the language of everything life.
Wordswoth’s positions in his later work grew closer to that of Coleridge but the poetic doctrines elaborated in the preface solidly underlay “ Lyrical Ballads “ and were springboard to the explain philosophy of art thought the prelude by Worsdworth.


  Death How long will it say? It must be come one day, could you tell, come on another day?   Nobody can stop it, try, thyself can not push ...