Monday 21 September 2020



How long will it say?

It must be come one day,

could you tell, come on another day?


Nobody can stop it, try,

thyself can not push it away,

today, that day, another day

remember, it must be come one day!

what you gain, what you lost,

forget everything it's a judgement day, 

it must be come one day. 


Nobody knows how is it!

Nobody knows where does it take,

you disappear in a while, 

like light of the thunderstorm in the sky.


It's a breathless sleep,

telling you hi!  hi!

would you give me a minute to say bye! bye!

remember, it must be come one day

remember, it must be come one day.





Monday 18 May 2020

वहाँ कौन है तेरा, मुसाफ़िर, जायेगा कहाँ

Guide Movie (1956)
Song: वहाँ कौन है तेरा, मुसाफ़िर, जायेगा कहाँ

वहाँ कौन है तेरा, मुसाफ़िर, जायेगा कहाँ

वहाँ कौन है तेरा......

बीत गये दिन, प्यार के पलछिन

सपना बनी वो रातें
भूल गये वो, तू भी भुला दे
सब दूर अन्धेरा
सब दूर अन्धेरा, मुसाफ़िर जायेगा कहाँ
वहाँ कौन है तेरा...


कोई भी तेरी, राह ने देखे
नैन बिछाए न कोई
दर्द से तेरे, कोई ना तड़पा
आँख किसी की ना रोई
आँख किसी की ना रोई
कहे किसको तू मेरा
कहे किसको तू मेरा
मुसाफिर जाएगा कहाँ.
वहाँ कौन है तेरा...

तूने तो सबको राह बताई
तू अपनी मंज़िल क्यों भूला
सुलझाके राजा औरों की उलझन
क्यों कच्चे धागों में झूला
क्यों नाचे सपेरा मुसाफ़िर,जाएगा कहाँ.


कहते हैं ज्ञानी, दुनिया है फ़ानी
पानी पे लिखी लिखायी
है सबकी देखी, है सबकी जानी
हाथ किसी के न आयी
हाथ किसी के न आयी
कुछ तेरा ना मेरा
कुछ तेरा ना मेरा
मुसाफ़िर जायेगा कहाँ...

Work cited :

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Shailendra / S.d. Burman
Wahan Kaun Hai Tera lyrics © Saregama Music United States.

Thursday 8 August 2019


'Scintillating' faces.

The students of SHREE MAHVEER JAIN CHARITRA KALYAN, Songadh have brought lots of laurels and accolades to our esteemed school by winning Medals in the ENGLISH OLYMPIAD competition which was conducted by SILVER ZONE FOUNDATION, NEW DELHI. 
They have won every inch of it. Congratulating them on their conduct.     

Saturday 14 March 2015

Topic: Discuss Advertising as boon as well as curse to the society.


In today generation Advertising became mass communication in the world.   Now a day’s Television, social media full of advertisement and produces mass communication and connect world together. Social media earning lot of money by producing and creating new advertisement and give people delight. There are many advantages of advertisement but in some extent there are also some disadvantages also. So, let’s discuss in detail about what is advertising and what is the impact of it and its right to be say that Advertising is a boon as well as curse.

What is advertising?

Different media channels and different communications opportunities require different approaches.

Now agencies use a variety of different models of communication:

- Persuasion
- Engagement
- Participation
- Facilitation
- Conversation

Advertising (or advertizing)[1][2][3] is a form of marketing communication used to persuade an audience to take or continue some action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, or political or ideological support.

In Latin, ad vertere means "to turn toward".[4] The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various old media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television advertisement, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages.
Advertising is a form of mass communication. It involves a process of transmission of information by the manufacture or a seller of a product or service to modify or stimulate the behavior of the buyer to buy a particular product.

Advertising can be in any form of presentation such as sign, symbol or illustration in print media, a commercial on radio or television, poster, etc. Thus, advertising is the communication link between the seller and the buyer. It has made mass selling possible. The term advertising is derived from the Latin word‘advertene’. It means to turn the mind to advertising diverts the attention of the buyers to product or service.

Impact of Advertising in India:

India Television is now full with lot of advertisements. If it television, radio, news paper or any big board which are lying on the highway are full of advertisements   to attract people towards such company and their brands. So the impact of advertising in India it is very huge way and such companies also earn money more than others. So the impact of advertising is great either it is good or bad but its run successfully in India. 

Recently example of ICC CRICEKT WORLD CUP 2015.  There is one popular ad named 

it becomes very much popular not only in India but also in many countries. Its shows the gratitude and the power position of India in the Cricket world, but the point is that in India people are crazy for cricket and many advertising make them crazy and one of the “ Mukka” ad also spared impact on media.
Another ad which is about the AirtelSmartphone(
 I this ad also we can see the example of punctuality. But the ad also speak something about Feminism that whole day working in the office the woman has to cook for her husband while the reality is that she has done great work in the office but because of she is woman she has to cook for his husband.
So, lot of advertisements which give moral messages to the societyincludingchildren also. There are some advantages also and disadvantages also.

Development of advertising in India:

The development of advertising in India is very immense way. Now we can see on television, Radio, News paper, other social networking sites are full of advertisements. Advertising in India has created an incredible awareness among the people in the past decade growing in to big industry. It has grown along with the press and today it has found its way into the other two media Radio and Television. Advertising which was an American concept originally has found its place in a country like India.

In early twentieth century the advertising agencies such as Indian Advertising Agency and Calcutta Advertising Agency were started. During second would war press advertising was used extensively to raise funds for the war? The Indian professionals also learnt how to motivate the masses through advertising between1922-1939 many advertising agencies came up such as New India Publicity Co., Paradise Advertising Agency of Calcutta, and National Advertising Agency and so on. The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) was established in 1945.In 1976, first commercial spot appeared on Television and in 1980, the first advertisement sponsors were allowed.

Nine types of advertising media available to an advertiser are: (1) direct mail (2) newspapers and magazines (3) radio advertising (4) television advertising (5) film advertising (6) outdoor advertising (7) window display (8) fairs and exhibition and (9) specially advertising!

(1) Direct Mail:

This is one of the oldest types of advertising media. Under this method message is sent to the prospective buyers by post. A mailing list is prepared for this purpose. Circular letters, folders, calendars, booklets and catalogues are sent under this type of advertising. In the sales letter an appeal is made to the buyers separately.

It contains detailed information with regard to the product. The main aim of these letters is to create the reader’s interest in the product. The letter should be attractive, interesting and convincing. Booklets and catalogues contain information regarding detailed description and prices of different varieties of products.

Direct mail advertising suffers from certain drawbacks also. It has limited access i.e. a small number of buyers can be covered. There are practical difficulties in preparing and maintaining up-to-date mailing list. This is also not suitable for every type of product.

(2) Newspapers and Magazines:

These are the important forms of press advertising, newspapers are the most effective and powerful medium of advertising. Newspapers contain valuable information with regard to different current events. It may be referred to as ‘a store house of information’. There are daily, bi-weekly and weekly newspapers. Newspapers have widest circulation and read by many people. The newspapers may be local, provincial or national.

There is a separate advertisement department in every newspaper which classifies and designs different advertisements in the paper. Before selecting a newspaper the advertiser should take into consideration various factors viz., coverage of the newspaper, the class of customers and the cost of advertising etc.

The newspapers offer widest circulation and have universal appeal. The cost of advertising is lesser as compared to other media. The newspapers have more repetitive value and are very helpful in introducing a new product. These are suitable for all types of goods having wider markets.
Secrecy cannot be maintained in this type of advertising. Another drawback of newspaper advertising is that they are in black and white prints. Coloured advertisements are not covered, which are more appealing and attractive.


Magazines or periodicals are other important media of communication. Magazines may be released weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annual or annual. These are read with more interest by the readers as compared to newspapers. Advertisements given in magazines are more descriptive and attractive. They are usually in coloured form which depicts the product nicely and gives lasting impression to the reader.

There are magazines or journals meant for general public and special class of people. There are exclusive magazines relating to industry, trade, finance and economics etc. There are also special magazines for men, women and children. The magazines have longer life and are very suitable for advertising specific goods.

(3) Radio Advertising:

Radio advertising is very popular these days. The advertisements are broadcasted from different stations of All India Radio. Radio advertising can be explained as “word of mouth advertising on a wholesale scale”. The advertising messages can be in different regional languages.
The most important advantage derived from radio advertising is that it covers every type of listener whether illiterate or educated. It is a very effective medium for popularising on mass
scale various consumer articles. The coverage of this medium is wider extending to a large number of listeners. It ensures quicker repetition.

(4) Television Advertising:

This is the latest and the fast developing medium of advertising and is getting increased popularity these days. It is more effective as compared to radio as it has the advantages of sound and sight. On account of pictorial presentation, it is more effective and impressive and leaves ever lasting impression on the mind of the viewer.
It is a very costly medium which can be employed by big concerns only; it has a shorter life span and limited coverage. Back reference to the advertisement cannot be made after its presentation. The duration of the advertisement is very limited.
Despite of the above mentioned drawbacks, this method of advertising is gaining rapid coverage and immense popularity among the masses.

(5) Film Advertising:

This is also known as cinema advertising. This also provides sight and hearing facilities like television. Short advertisement films are not prepared by big business houses which are sent to different cinema houses to be shown to the audience before the regular shows or during the intermission. It has more repetitive value but not to the same viewers. Its coverage is limited which benefits the local population only.
It is a very costly medium involving higher distribution and film making costs. Only big organizations can afford to produce advertisement films. It ensures more flexibility at larger costs. Its effectiveness cannot be measured properly. Film making is a time consuming process.

(6) Outdoor Advertising:

This type of advertising include different media like posters, placards, electric displays or neon signs, sandwich men, sky writing, bus, train and tram advertising. This is also known as ‘Mural advertising’. The main aim of outdoor advertising is to catch the attention of passerby within twinkling of an eye.

This is the most effective medium of advertising. This is very suitable in the case of consumable and household articles like soaps, medicines, fans, shoes and pens etc.
Posters and placards are usually fixed on the walls near the road sides, railway station and bus stands. These posters are made of thick paper or metal plate or wood and carry the advertising message which can be easily read and seen from a distance.

The posters also pasted on the back of buses, trains and trams which are greatly helpful in carrying the message throughout and outside the city. Painted displays are prepared by expert painters which carry attractive multi-coloured pictures also to impress upon the people.
This type o advertising has a wider coverage and leaves effective impression on the people. It is very suitable for making the product popular and creating proper brand image. It has greater flexibility and can be designed by keeping in view the peculiarities of a particular locality. It requires lesser time and effort on the part of the advertiser to undertake this medium. This is more durable and economical form of advertising medium.

It has been referred as reminder or residuary publicity which is used by the advertiser after all the other advertising media.
Sticking of bills and posters destroys the walls of different building and adversely affects the cleanliness and beautification of a particular area.

(7) Window Display:

It is a common method which is usually undertaken by retailers who display their products in the shop windows in order to attract the customers. This is also known as exterior display.
It is the most effective and direct method of influencing the people. Window display has direct appeal to the onlookers. It is instrumental in arousing the desire to purchase in the prospective customers. It acts as a silent salesman.

In order to operate this method successfully, goods should be arranged properly and systematically in the show windows. The articles in the windows should be regularly- changed. The advertiser should not forget that the window is the index of his shop. Utmost care should be undertaken to display the products in windows.

(8) Fairs and Exhibition:

A trade exhibition or a fair is organised on extensive scale which is attended by different manufacturers and traders along with their products to be sold to the large number of people who visit the exhibition. The exhibition may be either organised on local, provincial or international basis. The examples of some of the international exhibitions are EXPO 70 of JAPAN, ASIA 72 and recent trade fair at Delhi every year.

In the case of international exhibitions, traders of different countries assemble at one place; they can conveniently share the experiences of their respective countries with each other which are really informative and useful for all of them. It provides ample opportunity for learning. The huge gathering of people in the exhibition provides a larger market for sale.

(9) Specially Advertising:

Most of the business houses in order to increase their sales, advertise their products, give free gifts like diaries, purses, paper weights and calendars to the customers. The name of the firm or the dealer is inscribed on the articles presented.

Advertising as boon as well as curse:

Merits of Advertising

There are many advantages of advertising. Now days the use of advertising with the various medium people enjoyed a lot and they get pleasure as well. So there are some advantage so advertising lets see how it helpful.

Advertising as a means of communication has numerous advantages. The merits of advertising can be summarized below:

1.         Mass Reach- Advertising is a communication medium which can reach a wide range of people over a broad geological region. For example- advertising via a daily newspaper reaches millions of people all over the country.

2.         Boosting customer contentment and confidence- It creates a sense of assurance amidst potential customers as they are contented and comforted about the quality of the product and thus feel more relaxed.

3.         Expressiveness- As because of the progress of graphic designing, art and computer skills, advertisement has changed into one of the most aggressive weapon of communication. A simple product can look attractive with all the special effects and modern computer skills.

4.         Economy- Advertising by far is the most economic medium of communication for creating mass awareness. AS a result of it wide reach, the total advertising cost gets stretched over several communication links recognized. This ultimately lowers per unit cost for advertising.

Demerits of Advertising:

Some demerits also of advertising

Though advertising has many advantages, it also has several disadvantages. The demerits of advertising as a medium of communication are listed below:

1.         Less Forceful- Being an impersonal medium of communication, it is less forceful when compared to personal selling. Advertising is a common message and you are not compelled to pay attention to the message conveyed.

2.         Lack of feedback- It is not possible to study the efficiency of advertising message as it is not possible to gather immediate and precise feedback of the message communicated.

3.         Inflexibility- Advertising is not very flexible because of non-standardization and is not custom made to meet the necessities of the various groups of customers.

4.         Low effectiveness- Because of the growth in volume of advertising is becoming impossible to make advertising message heard by the prospective group of consumers. This ultimately influences the efficiency of advertising.

Even though advertising has many disadvantages the merits of advertising outweighs the disadvantages and thus forms an important element for a successful marketing of a product. Thus advertising is no doubt a powerful medium of communication without which no product can be marketed successfully.


So there are many advantages of advertising, it helps people to come together and to know something new about the things which are happening around them,. So one or two ways adverting is helpful but it has demerits also so it’s good to say that advertising is as boon as well as curse.

Works sited:
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  Death How long will it say? It must be come one day, could you tell, come on another day?   Nobody can stop it, try, thyself can not push ...